Véronic Dicaire – Height, Weight, Age & Net Worth

Comedian, mimic and singer Véronic Dicaire was born on December 18, 1976 in Embrun, Ontario, Canada.

Passionate about singing from an early age, the little girl dreams of becoming a singer. As a teenager, she takes part in weekends in amateur shows in her village and takes the titles of Maurane.

At 15, it was during one of these local festivals that she made a decisive meeting for the rest of her career, that of Rémon Boulerice, a young artist and show producer, then 21 years old.

In 1996, the couple moved to Montreal and Rémon became the manager of Véronic who wanted to break into the song. The young artist went on auditioning and won the role of Sandy in the Quebec adaptation of the musical “Grease”, which met with great success in Quebec.

In 2002, she published her first album “Véronic DiCaire”, which won several awards in her native country and the singer gained a certain notoriety.

In 2003, she was again asked for a musical, and played the role of Roxie Hart in “Chicago” alongside Anthony Kavanagh. The success leads the troupe on tour to Paris in 2004, where the singer changes partners and gives the reply to Stéphane Rousseau. The following year, she published a second opus of folk music, “Sans Détour”.

In 2008, his career took an unexpected turn when Marc Dupré, René Angélil’s son-in-law, invited him to do the first parts of Celine Dion’s “Taking Chances” … as an imitator!

The one who, until then, was testing her imitations of Celine Dion or Vanessa Paradis behind the scenes in front of her technicians, takes up the challenge. The success is immediate, its comic fiber reveals it to the general public and René Angelil becomes its producer.

Véronic Dicaire

The singer-comedian began a long tour that led to Europe in 2010. In 2011, she joined the jury of the show “X Factor” broadcast on M6.

Véronic has been expanding her repertoire over the years, from Lady Gaga to Edith Piaf, and has been performing regularly at Bally’s Las Vegas since 2013.

In 2015, she returned to France with a new show “Véronic Voices” and the artist participated in the sixth season of the program “Dance with the stars” in September 2015.

Side heart, Véronic Dicaire shares the life of Rémon Boulerice, his manager, since 1991.

What is the name of the celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The name of the Véronic Dicaire is Véronic. The name, surname or nickname of the star begins with the letter or letters of the alphabet d, v.

What is the real or full name of the celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The real or full name of the personality is unknown.

In which city was born the celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The birthplace of the Veronic Dicaire personality is Embrun. .

In which country was born the star Véronic Dicaire?

The star Véronic Dicaire was born on the Continent: American – Country: Canada.

What is the nationality of the Véronic Dicaire personality?

The star Véronic Dicaire is a Canadian citizen.

When was born the celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The Véronic Dicaire personality was born on December 18, 1976, 70s. Birthday: December 18, Birth month: December, Year of birth: 1976, 1970s.

How old is Véronic Dicaire?

The Véronic Dicaire personality is 42 years old.

What is the zodiac sign of the celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The star Véronic Dicaire has astrological sign Sagittarius zodiac.

What is the Chinese astrological sign of the celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The star Véronic Dicaire has astrological Chinese Dragon sign.

How big is the celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The size of the star Véronic Dicaire is unknown.

What is the hair color of the Véronic Dicaire superstar?

The hair color of the star Véronic Dicaire is unknown.

What is the color of the eyes of celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The color of the eyes of the star Véronic Dicaire is unknown.

What are the origins of Véronic Dicaire’s personality?

The origins, the ancestors of the star Véronic Dicaire are unknown.

What is the job / activity of celebrity Véronic Dicaire?

The job / activity of star Véronic Dicaire is Imitatrice (Cinema / Theater).

Follow Véronic Dicaire on: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.

Full Name Véronic DiCaire
Height 140 cm (1.40 m)
Weight 30.8 – 37.6 kg (68 – 83 lbs)
Age 42 years
Born December 18, 1976, Embrun, Canada
Net Worth $500,000-$2 Million
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Singer
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